No, its not the two guys on the sofa, its who they are feeding. Glen and Ray have a 55 acre farmstead that will soon be opening as a gay B&B, they needed some help sorting out the gardens as they are both working full time at the moment.
There is enough work to last several months, if not years, but with the help of Keiran, a work loving irish guy and Simon and Hugo, two french lads, we are cracking through our tasks at a rate of knots.
The beer is flowing and you can see the mobile butcher hard at work preparing sausages from the cow and pig that were slaughtered last week.
The little fellas being fed are two rescued babies, a 6 month old wallaby and a 9 month old kangaroo that were rescued from their roadkilled mothers. A constant 4 hourly task of feeding right through till they are about 18months old, not a task that can be entered into lightly, though, aparnetly once they are ready to leave they head off for a day or two at a time to start then eventually leave for good. I guess thatss a good job done, especially as they're so amusing to have about when they are so young.