Yes, i know, i haven't written in here for quite a long time. Apologies to those who keep logging on to the same post, but i got a bit despondent with traveling back to england so i didn't bother.
I have had the most amazing year, i left for on my trip around the world just over a year ago and have been back in the UK for just over two weeks. No idea of how far i have travelled in miles but in knowledge and experience a very long way indeed.
At one stage i thought that i was about to settle on the other side of the world and got all excited about a new job and living down under but it wasn't to be. On reflection, not the right time at all. I was on a journey and tried to curtail it too soon, causing myself all sorts of turmoil, though, through this, got to know myself a great deal better and am now more prepared to face the rest of my life.
I continued my journeys through New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii and California meeting some amazing people, enjoying the most beautiful scenery and having a wonderful time. I enjoyed being a tourist and doing all those tourist things, traveling and exploring out of the way places miles from the maddening crowd and probably the most fulfilling places were the homes of my helpX hosts, where i helped out for several hours a day, using and sharing my wealth of knowledge to improve their homes, make their properties more enjoyable and do the best i could to contribute whilst i was there. It gave me a sense of purpose and a reason for visiting some out of the way places. Kept me fit and provided me with countless experiences that i would never have achieved on my own.
And now? i have no idea, i am spending time with friends and family until the new Year, then will head off to europe to discover more of the world, improve my foreign languages and continue with my helpX experiences. Watch this space for more...............