My new home, in the green caravan with the main garden in the distance, looking back to the farm and tomato plants in the glasshouse.
Its going from one extreme to the other, weatherwise. Yesteday it reached nearly 40 and today not even 20, though it did pour with rain today. Still, plenty to do with everything here growing at a huge rate.
Loving the caravan!!! Made me laugh!! Glad to hear it's not just us in Cumbria getting all the rain!!! Alex, Hel & Niamh coming to visit for half-term...maybe I will be in a similar caravan by then eh!
Keep smiling my friend,
x Moi
p.s thanks now sorely tempted to get one!! Hope you 2 are well...loved the wedding photos!
Ditto comment as Moira . .what a view you have .. how lovely is it to wake up to that every morning . .or has it become commonplace? I don't think there is anything to complain re the weather .oh dear it's only 20 degrees today and not 40 . .hey ho . .are you ever going to be able to leave there?. .it looks such a big farm and so much that needs doing?? Are there any other people working with you . .maybe there is a different coloured caravan for each person dotted about! Any lurve interest . .or even just the sex stuff . are you meeting people? Love the photos . .brightens up a winter's day. Did you go to Sir Edmund Hillary's funeral . maybe that was on the other island? and a murder as well somewhere . .or do you not know about these events? take care and much love xxx joy
well spammo, its all making me feel like i just wanna sell up, pack up, and head out!
i'm currently in la apartamento en Carvoeiro comin to the end of a 9 day stint of surfing & sunning..its been at least 20 every day so far..yesterday was 30! flying back tomorrow(thursday) & doing my lifeguard course next week (finally!!) then gonna look @ doing this tree surgery course too ($$ permitting)..
the pix u've taken look stupendous, i have taken about 300 so far here...gonna upload em to facebook on my return..
Heath Ledger is DEAD!!! i'm gutted!
right...gotta go & mourn & eat & surf!
LOVING the caravan...u lucky fucker!
take it easy...and why NEVER any news of 'liasons' mentioned Adam from Lyme Regis
take it easy Big Bro
missing you...stay well, stay cool!
Large amounts of love...
i take it from your caravan comments that theres no good news on the house front? Whats going on there then? Also why do you need a Wii, with all that open space up there in Cumbria? just get a bike or/and a canoe
there are two other accomodations, a house truck and a loft in the barn where the kitchen is, so plenty of room. They are very low on helpers this year, though Jurg was here from Switzerland last week. No love/sex interest as of yet, not for the lack of trying!!
Sir Ed's funeral was at the other end of the country so didn't go, good TV coverage which was real interesting. Murder was up north too, feeling quite safe here.
Lil Bro
sounds like you're having a fantastic trip, have you completed your diplomatic missions, or aren't you at liberty to say. Guess this line is not secure, contact the landowner accordingly.
Good news with the training - on both counts. Don't cut down all the trees.Can you send me another link to your facebook, i may just have to participate.........
Liasons not forthcoming, my plantes change soon, so hopefully better luck then :-)
big love to you all, loving all the comments.
Sam, smiling in the sunshine. xx
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