A week later and we got our main project completed, along with much more beer and a couple of excellent days out. One to the beach, one of the last surfing beaches on the east coast before the Great Barrier Reef starts - to get in a bit more surfing and try our Simons board which he bought with his van. And the second, a day trip out to Lady Musgrove Island, a coral cay 75km out into the ocean.
An amazing day made more exciting by the large swell on the way out that made the ride more like a roller coaster than a catermaran trip. Many folk ended up with their heads in plastic bags..... The island has evolved over thousands of years and is situated at one end of a sheltered lagoon, ideal for snorkelling and diving, populated by sea birds and a small campsite that you have to take everything too, including all your drinking water. Several varieties of tree that survive on bird droppings and plenty of white coral sand. Under water was much more interesting, both from the glass bottom boat that ferried us to the island and also with an afternoon of snorkelling, i so wish i had an underwater camera but the memories will have to do. Keiran and i had a great day.
The garden project was a resounding success, with both the hosts hugely more enthusiastic about their project now that a big dent has been made in the plans that had taken so long to get moving. It was great fun to work as part of a team of 4, all with our own ideas, rather than individually and we got loads done. The french guys english was limited so plenty of amusement with trying to explain almost anything even slightly technical, though once they got it, the work was never a problem.
Since i left the farm, three days ago, have headed north, towards Cairns almost continually, have driven over 2000km and am heading inland to mining country and the outback, the roads head off in to the distance and go on forever, then when you get to the end and go round a corner, they head off into the distance again, though at the moment still through trees and bush. I'm expecting a vast expanse of nothing to appear before too long.
Plenty of time to take in the sights and wonder how the creeks and gullies got their names. 'Short Goodbye Creek' followed by 'Goodbye Creek' later on 'Jacket Creek', did someone loose or find a jacket there? 'Five Mile Creek' that was at least 100 miles from the sea, there must be a reason.... 'Crocodile Creek' probably obvious, but not in crocodile country. Who knows.
Don't be getting yourslf lost in the outback Sam . .and always let someone know where you are and when expected to arrive at any given destination . . or are you not bothering with safety issues!! Will you be coming home anytime soon . .or at all? Lovely hearing a bit about your trek and scenery, flora and fauna .you never say much about people . .but missing YOU will have to do some magic well I do have a magic wand . .to win a reasonable sum on lottery and then I could visit . .take care mate xxxjoy
...only just back online (bloody tiscali!)...so catching up with all your latest adventures and the blog comments...! So pleased to read you are our very own Priscilla...am singing the soundtrack as I type!! Sorry to hear about your job Jac...but am sure you are going to be making the most of time off! I bought a lotto ticket last night Joy....will let you know if I can send a ticket!! Sam.....keep on smiling...that photo of you in the attractive yellow kagoul made me smile!!
Lots of love Moi & Peter xx
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