Wednesday, February 17, 2010

shift work 2

Two till six, so far the most challenging so far, it will be great when the mountain gets busier and people start needing afternoon refreshments, but at the moment, it is quiet. Finishing up lunch service and tidying the restaurant for ‘apres ski’ drinks, checking that no help is needed in the kitchen for evening prep, bringing in logs for the open fire and then being available to serve from the bar, take orders for snacks and generally keeping the public areas clean and tidy.  Got to remember to see people arriving on the terrace, as they sit down and expect to be served quite promptly, it’s not like the UK where everyone goes to the bar for service.  More snow clearing if required and then at the moment it is just a case of finding things to do, all the windows have been cleaned, there are plenty, cleaning behind the bar, another sweep and mop may be needed.  The easy shift so far, but I can imagine things changing when the mountain is packed with holiday makers during the school holidays, just a couple of days to go now.  It’ll also get busier once the weather warms a bit and the sun is higher over the mountains.  We have only just started getting sun on the chalet at midday after nearly three months of constantly being shaded by the mountains on the other side of the valley.

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