Friday, December 13, 2013

chez Vanessa and Lisa

Back at Vanessa and Lisa’s, our projects continued.  Social visits out for pizzas on a Friday evening, mulching the hedging plants with straw to keep the weeds down whilst the plants establish,  off to see Greets new vet practice location and advise on how to decorate it, collect mulch for the vegetable garden then put it to bed for the winter.  The girls were loving the change after working on the house for so long and it was great to make the most of the cold sunny weather at the start of winter, with no idea how long it would last.  Their house was warm and comfortable even there were no finished rooms, the ground floor was missing its final flooring and the loft was missing wall dividers and a door but the wood burning stoves were working well and there was a serviceable bathroom.  Bliss.

Vanessa loading compost 

the view from my bed in the mornings, beautiful roof timbers

a much improved facade without aluminium and glass porch

we stacked wood 

we rolled bales of straw

and stopped them


Anonymous said...

…just caught up with all your recent posts….and sending you a big hug for one in particular…xxx That land with the oaks looks good….like I said maybe even space for a donkey to be friends with a goat! xxxx keep enjoying the journey….your destination is almost there….xxxx

joy said...

Loved the bits about the trees and planting at Lisa + vanessa's . .sounds like you thoroughyly enjoyed it . .oak trees plot still sounding very good especially re planning and helpful advice re going forward. Percy remains wonderful giving you all the flexibility re movement you need . . xx love + hugs joy

JUra said...

I have just found Ur blog via

I wonder where were U taking the compost from?
It looks just marvelous. Is it municipality place which anyone can take it away from?

My thermophilic pile is far from that look. (but still invaded milliards of earthworms as the winter is not that freezy)


samthegardener65 said...

Hi Rafal

The compost is made in huge quantities at the local municipal recycling site. They use all the collected green waste from the area and sell it at minimal price to anyone who cares to collect. 8 euros for our trailer load. These heaps were far too hot for worms, I could hardly keep my hand in the compost that we loaded it was so hot, though it soon cooled down when we spread it on the plot. Hope you get to read this. SAM

JUra said...

Thanks for answering.
Fortunately The RSS reader let me know about a new entry in Ur blog & made me recall that I have commented on this entry.
But strangely enpough I got no any notification email which is an usual action when U comment in blogger service & get yourself subsribed to foloow up aomments.
Hmmm.... there is also no "reply" button in comments.
Have U switched it off or it is some bug?

uff.. lovely situation with the "municipal recycling site" option. Hope one day we (here in Poland )wil be able to do so, too.
Thou nowadays I'd be afraid to take it as I can see amount of the evil Raundop (glifosat) they use to maintain the municipality lawns in a "proper" state.